There was some minor shrinkage after washing it, but only about an inch in each direction.Our hands were completely dry after just two passes with this towel.The thick, plush material was absorbent enough to soak up an entire bowl of water.This towel is so soft you'll want wear it around for an hour before getting dressed.From measurements to texture, absorbency and durability, these towels were (literally) put through the wringer for you.
#Waffle towels series
We analyzed a series of qualities to narrow down the best towel-dry experience.

21 styles found the most favor with our team. To simplify the search, we tested 50 bath towels in our lab and at home to see which variations are worth your money.
#Waffle towels upgrade
Whether you're someone who prefers plush towels to dry off after a soak or thinner cloths for the aesthetic, the style you choose is imperative to upgrade your powder room. The little details like soap scents, shower curtains, and in this case, bath towels, can make all the difference in the atmosphere of your space. When you towel off with it, no matter how roughing-it you go, a waffle towel will always feel like a soft blanket, and not exfoliating like a beaten terrycloth.A bathroom is often a sanctuary, carefully curated to provide cleanliness and comfort. To add, a good waffle towel often has a thin, lightweight, springy quality to its feel, to say nothing of breathability-meaning it’ll stay fresh, even after the 50th spin-around in the laundry. This clever pattern allows waffle towels to better absorb water and rid the dampness much faster. Waffle towels one-up these plushy terrycloth ones in many ways, thanks to its raised threads that form a series of small rectangular pocket loops on the surface-a design resembling a waffle or honeycomb.
#Waffle towels full
But once their sweater-like plushness meets the water-and the washer and dryer thereafter-things start to get uglier: they’ll become barely absorbent, take a long time dry, and turn into a piece of gritty cloth that simply isn’t conducive for a full water cleanup. Hence, to make roughing-it a bit comfier, many tent to opt for plush terrycloth towels with soft woven loops that feel great against skin. Rough textures when drying off isn't exactly what we want post-shower. You can read more on that below, but simply put, their indented waffle-like weaves allow them to absorb and evaporate water more efficiently, even remain soft and stretchy for months. While you might've procrastinated owning nice bath towels to your late 20's or 30's, let the tried-and-tested better option-waffle towels-spruce up your outdated bathroom groove.Īnd a spruce-up it'll be: from the rough texture and "Why is it still not dry?" drag of your current terrycloth lineup to the indefatigable softness and dry-so-fast-you-think-it's-new quirk of waffle towels, courtesy of their. Even when you're just taking a quick two-minute shower, a good towel makes all the difference. Dudes deserve their “me” time, too, like soaking themselves in a long warm bath, chaperoned by a fine glass of burgundy and Frank Siniatra’s slow jazz playing from a shower speaker, then rounding it off with a luxe bath towel that doesn't look floppy or feel grainy when drying off (side-eyeing the so-so "plush" towels dangling from your rack as we speak).