Please refer to the campaign overviews below for more detailed info. It is not totally consistent between classes. Some quests at this point will require dungeons or gathering various profession reagents. There are also corresponding missions as part of the storyline which have been nerfed to 1 hour. These will take longer and may even require level 45 later in the chain.
At this point two questlines will open up for two more champions. The next chain chain unlocks a Greater Troop, two more champions, and the fourth tint of Fighting with Style: Classic, your default Artifact Style. You can unlock six tech traits which ultimately unlock the ability to equip two legendaries instead of one. Several early champions, your first troop, and Champion Missions. Similar to first starting your Artifact, an NPC will approach you in Dalaran for the next step. After completing your Artifact Weapon, go back to Dalaran to start the next part of the quest. At this point you'll pick a zone to quest in on your Scouting Map. They last around 20-30 minutes and when they are complete, you will have one artifact weapon and find yourself back in your Class Hall. We have videos and transcripts of all the Artifact Weapon quests. Obtaining your Artifact Weapon is the very first step of the Class Hall Campaign. is a special title when completing the Restoration Druid Artifact Weapon. Title: Each class has a special title for finishing the complete campaign. Check them out in the Class Hall Set Guide. In addition to being solid starter items for max-level players, these items are also recolors of Mists of Pandaria Challenge Mode armor, sets which are no longer obtainable. Troops are dispensable units that can tag along on missions to raise your success chance.Īrtifacts: The new appearance unlocked in Forged for Battle is also an embellished version of your default Artifact appearance, so you can stand out in a crowd.Ĭlass Hall Sets: Two out of the eight pieces for the Class Hall Set are directly acquired through this campaign: wrist and chest. Champions are famous lore figures who go on missions and aid you in outdoor zones with unique Combat Ally abilities. The Class Hall Campaign will continue with a new follower and a quest to obtain your Class Mount.Ĭlass Missions: The Legion Class Hall Mission Guide explains champions and troops in greater detail. Various quests reward Order Resources and other items. Upon finishing the campaign, you will get the Class Hall chest, a class title, an actual relic, and the artifact appearance Forged for Battle. Upon unlocking your sixth champion you will get Class Hall bracers. Later, you will unlock two more champions, one greater troop, and a color tint for your Artifact.
At level 10, you will unlock several early champions, a lesser troop, and Order Advancements.This is one part of Breaching the Tomb, which is required for the Class Mount Questline.
In Patch 7.2, completing this campaign is needed to progress on the Legionfall Champions. In Patch 7.3, this questline is no longer required for the third artifact relic. Other campaign level requirements and item level requirements are similarly lowered. In Patch 9.0 (Shadowlands Prepatch), artifacts may be acquired at level 10. Special thanks to all the users who helped us collect the class order hall stories!
While each class has a different campaign, this guide covers the basic requirements in the campaign and the types of rewards you'll get. The Class Hall Campaign is an elaborate lore-filled questline culminating in A Glorious Campaign, and a class-specific title.