Don’t let that aspect fool you though, the Pokemon League is genuinely difficult to get past without dying, as it took me several tries to find a reliable no death pattern.Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow: for Game Boy.PlayGuy, play your Pokémon games with better quality.

We’re talking about a complete emulator for both the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Color, in which to enjoy all the available Pokémon games. We are talking about a very light emulator since it barely weighs 253 kbs so that it can be used on all types of computers Through this emulator we will be able to customize and configure all the controls, take screenshots and even improve the quality of the games thanks to the fact that it includes graphic improvements, as well as image filters. It also stands out for incorporating a quick save system, for which it will only be necessary to press the F6 key. In this way, it will be possible to save up to 100 different temporary states to return to any point back in the game. Of course, these states disappear when we close the emulator. On the other hand, if we prefer to perform a persistent quick save, just press the F4 key. Also, it supports three screen size modes and displays FPS in the title bar or status line.
Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, for Game Boy Color We can download PlayGuy for free from the developer’s website.

We now turn to the Pokémon Gold (1999), Silver (1999) and Crystal (2000) belonging to the second generation that were released for the Game Boy, although they could also be played in their color version. On this occasion, these RPG games are responsible for adding a total of 100 more Pokémon to those that we could previously capture in the first generation, through the appearance of Jotho, a new region. In this way, the total number of Pokémon that can be captured rises to 250. TGB Dual, play two Pokémon at the same time These games would end up becoming the second best-selling generation of the saga. If we want to play the second generation Pokémon games, we can opt for TGB Dual. This is the emulator for Pokémon, so we can play them again from this Game Boy simulator.