Whether you’d love to book a flight to Thief River Falls, Pierre or someplace else, the best Denver Air Connection flight deals can be found on Expedia. This enables Denver Air Connection to maintain, inspect and alter aircraft. (Dakota News Now) - Denver Air Connection, which is the commercial airline that services Pierre and Watertown, is expanding with a new interline baggage agreement with American Airlines. Denver Air Connection can fly you to 54 destinations through North America, giving you lots of options for your next grand adventure. Alliance Nebraskas New Airline - Denver Air Connection. This reliability is enhanced by being a Part 145 Repair Station certified by the FAA. Denver Air Connection continues to provide exceptional flight services and has expanded to. Our communities know that we will use our fleet to bring maintenance to a location to fix an issue or send a replacement aircraft to their destination. We pride ourselves on never leaving passengers stranded due to maintenance issues. Denver Air Connection has a 99.6% rate on completed flights and impressive 94.91% on time performance rate. This service, coupled with our Interline Agreement with United Airlines, connects our customers to the world with streamlined reservations and hassle-free travel. We provide communities with global travel and economic assistance by providing safe and reliable regional airline passenger service in an eight-state region. Those commitments of reliability, consistency and safety remain as strong today as it did on our first day of operation. For more than two decades ago, Denver Air Connection and our parent company have delivered tailor-made passenger and air cargo services tailored to meet the needs of the communities and the customers we serve.